Critical Practice Pavillion 3 Master of Architecture |
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
/Department of Architecture


劳伦斯科技大学的建筑课程为设计技能提供了广泛的基础, social responsibility, environmental awareness, problem-solving abilities, and professional aptitude. It is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and is the requisite degree for becoming a licensed architect . The program emphasizes social responsibility, environmental awareness, and problem-solving, 鼓励学生考虑他们的设计对建筑环境和社区的影响. 该项目包括两个学位:建筑学学士学位和直接入学建筑学硕士学位. 该计划的毕业生有能力接受专业的挑战,并对世界产生积极的影响.

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Admissions + Curriculum

M.Arch Track I

Bachelor of Science in Architecture (133 cr.) +

Accredited Master of Architecture (36 cr.)


劳伦斯理工学院的建筑学学士(BS Arch)课程是建筑学硕士直接入学(Track I)课程的本科组成部分(较低的部门- 1000 - 4000级课程). 轨道一是为第一次上大学的学生和本科级别的转学生准备的. 作为本科生注册攻读学士学位的学生被认为是硕士.Arch Track I students. 这种形式承认大多数学生打算成为有执照的建筑师,并且需要获得认证, professional M.Arch degree.

参加学士学位课程的学生保持3.平均成绩0分可被研究生课程录取(高年级- 5000 - 6000级课程). 如果学生不能或选择不进入研究生课程, 该学生在完成133个学分的课程和相关的大学要求后,可以选择获得建筑学学士学位. Depending on placement, 建筑硕士课程包括至少36个学分,除了BS Arch要求,总共169个学分.

Applicants to the BS Arch and M.Arch Track I项目有具体的入学要求,具体取决于他们选择的项目. For incoming undergraduates interested in the M.Arch Track I项目,只需要转学生提交作品集. 如果您对招生、我们的课程或学院有任何疑问,请联系莉莲·克拉姆 lcrum@desamelle.com  or click on the links below.


M.Arch Track II (minimum 47 cr. | 利记sbo BS Arch. Graduate: minimum 36 cr.)


Track II of the M.Arch课程是为那些至少获得了专业预科学位的学生准备的, typically the Bachelor of Science in Architecture, at another institution; or who have earned the professional Bachelor of Architecture degree at another institution. 持有劳伦斯理工学院建筑学学士学位的申请人可以在36个学分内完成该课程. 我们欢迎来自其他机构的合格学生,他们希望完成他们的研究生学习并获得认可的硕士学位.Arch degree at 利记sbo.

学生可以完成所有的高级部门学分,但四个轨道二的M.Arch program online (There is one, 4-credit summer course, the Design Build Studio, 要求学生在校园内工作一周。.

Applicants to Track II of the M.Arch项目的学生入学时需要出示以下文件:

  1. 一份完整的研究生申请,可以在线提交 at this link

  2. Official transcripts of all completed college work.

  3. 一份描述你的教育、工作经历以及课外活动和兴趣的简历.

  4. 一个全面的工作组合,展示了一系列的可视化和设计能力和经验. The portfolio requirements are linked below.

  5. 本科课程的教学大纲展示了对以下内容的了解:

    • Understanding of building technology, including construction materials and systems, building enclosure, environmental control systems (HVAC, plumbing, electrical systems, lighting, acoustics, and fire suppression), and structural systems.

    • 了解建筑史,从史前到现在.

The minimum Bachelor's degree GPA is 3.0 for acceptance into Track II. Track II students whose GPA is 2.80-2.99 are eligible for conditional admission. 有条件录取的学生必须在秋季学期申请, 并且必须在第一门工作室课程中获得“B”或更高的成绩, as well as must have a minimum cumulative 3.在第一学期结束时GPA达到0分才能继续学习. 

Deadline : Summer Admission: March 1  / Fall Admission: August 1  / Spring Admission: November 15

有关这些要求或项目的更多信息, please click the links below or co ntact Rosalie Parks rparks@desamelle.com  or 248-824-6731.


M.Arch Track III (89 cr.)


Track III of the M.Arch项目适用于持有建筑或环境设计以外领域本科学位的学生. 这个选项特别欢迎那些在其他研究领域取得成就和兴趣的学生,期望这些学生将他们的兴趣和技能带入建筑实践. 学生们能够完成M的几乎所有课程. Arch Track III program online (There is one, 4-credit summer course, the Design Build Studio, 要求学生在校园内工作一周。.

Applicants to Track III of the M.Arch 学生入学时需要出示以下文件:

    1. 一份完整的研究生申请,可以在网上提交 this link

    2. Official transcripts of all completed college work.

    3. 一个可选的工作组合展示了一系列的可视化和设计能力和经验. The portfolio requirements are linked here.

    4. Resume

The minimum Bachelor's degree GPA is 3.0 for acceptance into Track III.  Track III students whose GPA is 2.80-2.99 are eligible for conditional admission. 有条件录取的学生必须在秋季学期申请, 并且必须在第一门工作室课程中获得“B”或更高的成绩, as well as must have a minimum cumulative 3.在第一学期结束时GPA达到0分才能继续学习. 

Deadline : Summer Admission: March 1  / Fall Admission: August 1  / Spring Admission: November 15

有关这些要求或项目的更多信息, please click the links below or contact  Rosalie Parks  rparks@desamelle.com  or 248-824-6731.


M.Arch Track IV (minimum 79 cr. | 利记sbo BSID Graduate: minimum 60 cr. )


MArch课程的第四部分是为持有非建筑环境设计领域(室内设计)的本科学位的学生准备的, landscape architecture, etc.). 轨道四有两个选择:79个研究生学分的课程,适用于在利记sbo以外的学校获得环境设计本科学位的学生, 以及60学分的课程,旨在为利记sbo室内设计学士学位的学生提供服务. 学生们能够完成M的几乎所有课程. Arch Track IV online (There is one, 4-credit summer course, the Design Build Studio, 要求学生在校园内工作一周。.

Applicants to the M.Arch Track IV课程的学生入学时需要出示以下文件:

    1. 完整的研究生申请,可在此链接在线提交

    2. Official transcripts of all completed college work.

    3. 一个可选的工作组合展示了一系列的可视化和设计能力和经验. The portfolio requirements are linked here.

    4. Resume

The minimum Bachelor's degree GPA is 3.0 for acceptance into Track IV. Track IV students whose GPA is 2.80-2.99 are eligible for conditional admission. 有条件录取的学生必须在秋季学期申请, 并且必须在第一门工作室课程中获得“B”或更高的成绩, as well as must have a minimum cumulative 3.在第一学期结束时GPA达到0分才能继续学习. 


有关这些要求或项目的更多信息, please click the links below or contact Rosalie Parks rparks@desamelle.com or 248-824-6731 .


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