2023春季coad_决赛周334 认证信息


劳伦斯科技大学建筑与设计学院于2016年被接受参加建筑许可综合路径(IPAL)计划. 这一举措为选定的学生提供了在获得学位的同时完成执照要求的机会. Organized by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), 该倡议鼓励选定的认证项目将专业经验和考试纳入其课程. 作为IPAL的一部分接受的每个认证项目都适应IPAL的概念,以协调学院课程的具体内容. 欲了解更多有关NCARB和IPAL的信息,请访问 ncarb.org/IPAL 或与CoAD iPAL协调员联系 Eric Ward at eward@desamelle.com .

利记sbo IPAL计划大纲

利记sbo IPAL计划是围绕实习就业和注册考试与专业教育的持续整合而组织的. 向符合条件的本科生和研究生开放, 每种情况的形式都略有不同. 本科生, 从第三年课程结束后的夏天开始, and ongoing throughout completion of the 6+ year Master of Architecture program, 夏季的雇佣是全职的, and part-time during Fall and Spring semesters to allow sufficient time for coursework. 利记sbo CoAD课程的组织是为了在第三年课程之后有效地满足AXP经验要求, 随后的课程安排允许在第五年的春季开始参加ARE考试. For graduate students, who frequently arrive with some amount of AXP experience or ARE examinations already completed, the IPAL Program often integrates well with their specific situation, 包括在其他州工作的非本地学生(取决于每个州的个人许可程序要求).

对本科生和研究生都适用, 两个标准是IPAL项目接受和继续的主要标准:学生有责任首先主动确保在符合“经验设置a:建筑实践”资格的公司找到工作。. Subsequently, 学生有责任在毕业前不断进步,以满足他们的AXP和ARE要求.


“通过IPAL,我接触到了不同的公司, 我得到了一份实习工作,而实习后来变成了我的职业. 我也可以提前参加ARE考试, which will allow me to become one of the youngest licensed architects in the state."

Trent Schmitz
利记sbo M. Arch 2020

Trent Schmitz


"In many ways, our M.Arch curriculum perfectly supports the goals and intent of NCARB's Accelerated Path Program. 我们的课程非常注重实践, 与大学长期以来的校训保持一致, "Theory and Practice," which dates from 1932.

Many of our students already hold architectural employment while pursuing their professional degree, thus there is very little change required to fully meet the requirements of the NCARB's program. 建筑与设计学院开发了全国最著名的在线建筑硕士课程之一. 这将使我们的学生能够在世界上任何有互联网服务的地方参与我们的加速执照计划.

利记sbo prides itself on the delivery of innovative educational models. 这个项目不仅适合我们, 但它将使我们能够与NCARB合作,重新定义21世纪从建筑教育到建筑实践和许可的过渡 st Century."


Program Details

利记sbo IPAL计划接受所有学生-本科生和研究生-符合计划要求的学术表现, 持续支持axp的就业, and sufficient self-management to complete all of the Program’s goals.

利记sbo IPAL students will be continuously employed during their time in the Program, 按要求完成3,NCARB AXP指南规定的740小时. 工作时间通常为每周最少40小时. 在夏季,每周最多20小时. 在秋季和春季学期. 雇佣安排可以通过几种方式处理, 这将在公司和学生之间决定, 符合IPAL准则. 利记sbo IPAL学生必须致力于平衡持续的学习成绩与为雇主提供持续的axp水平的工作, 准备和参加ARE考试. Both AXP and ARE requirements must be completed prior to graduation. 雇佣IPAL学生的公司反过来承诺为他们的IPAL学生员工提供所需的axp水平的工作, and provide various levels of support for students preparing for and taking the ARE exams.



  • 三年级状态*(最少60学时)
  • Grade point average: 3.0 minimum (cumulative)
  • Courses taken or currently enrolled: Construction Systems 1 and Integrated Design 3 for undergraduate students; A portfolio demonstrating equivalent skill-levels for graduate students (if needed)

All Educational Information (through this semester) must be verifiable by the 利记sbo Registrar.

*Note that Senior Year students may apply, however priority is given to Junior Year students.



  • IPAL申请表格(填妥并签署)
  • 学生雇主出具的确认函
  • 学生的意向书
  • A Résumé

Application Process

After reviewing the Application and the 应用程序指令:

  • 将所有材料制作成pdf格式, 并将所有项目的PDF合并为一个PDF(如果您提交的是一个投资组合来展示等效的以前的课程, 这必须是一个单独的PDF.)
  • Name the PDF: “Last name_First name_IPAL Application (or Portfolio)_Date”

Application Timeline

  • 申请人可随时提交填妥的申请材料
  • Review of Application: Approximately two weeks from submission date
  • 接受状态(如果合适)将通过电子邮件确认
  • 被录取的学生必须立即完成以下工作, 根据NCARB的要求:与NCARB确认IPAL的注册, by setting up the following (if not already done by the student): First establish an NCARB account, 然后建立NCARB记录. An NCARB Record allows the student to track progress in the AXP and to be eligible to take the ARE.
  • 一旦一个帐户和记录到位, IPAL students then need to grant the 利记sbo IPAL Coordinator access to experience and exam progress, 根据IPAL计划的AXP和ARE目标来跟踪这些目标.

Disclaimers & Authorizations

As stated on the Application form, the Applicant understands and agrees:

  • That the IPAL Program has no connection with the curriculum; that participation in the Program has no credit hours associated with it; that participation in the Program does not guarantee admission to the CoAD Graduate degree program, or guarantee continuing association with CoAD/利记sbo should other events intervene.
  • That submission of an Application does not guarantee selection for the IPAL Program; that selection does not guarantee continuance in the Program, which is contingent on continuous progress being made in accordance with the student’s Letter of Intent.
  • 为IPAL项目提交的所有信息必须符合利记sbo学术荣誉守则.
  • 参加IPAL计划并不能保证完成该计划的所有组成部分, or completion of these by graduation; or achievement of actual licensure.
  • That upon graduation, students immediately cease to be part of the IPAL Program (per NCARB requirements), and must establish a separate licensure-path arrangement with a specific jurisdiction of their choice.
  • That the ability to take the ARE exams under the IPAL Program (vs. 在特定管辖范围内)在毕业时或学生在毕业前离开课程的任何时候终止.


请联系CoAD的iPAL协调员 Eric Ward at eward@desamelle.com

Application Form

The Application Form must be completely filled-out, and signed and dated.
The Educational Information must be complete and verifiable by the 利记sbo Registrar.




  • 来自学生雇主的确认,证明该组织符合NCARB的“经验设置A”标准(根据NCARB的AXP指南), most recent edition).
  • 雇主对学生加入IPAL计划的认可和支持. The employer must be in agreement with the 利记sbo IPAL Program parameters, as follows:
    1. 对于本科生:i)通常在秋季和春季学期每周工作20小时, 夏天每周工作40小时. ii) Exposure of the student to the full spectrum of AXP-eligible work-tasks, 这样学生就可以在4300个工作小时(大约三年又三分之二)内完成他们的AXP要求, at the above rate.)
    2. 对于研究生:i)工作时间足以帮助学生在预期毕业日期之前完成他们的AXP要求. ii) Exposure of the student to the AXP-eligible work-tasks that the student still needs to complete, such that the student could complete their AXP requirements prior to their intended graduation date


The Letter of Intent must include the following, for both undergraduate and graduate students:

  • 学生计划如何管理他们的教育的大纲, work, and testing efforts in order to complete all aspects of the Program by their intended graduation date; specifically:
    1. 对学生目标毕业日期的预测, and of the number of semesters remaining at CoAD prior to the target graduation date. (适用于本科生), 利记sbo IPAL时间表为11个学期(夏季), Fall, 春天)超过三年三分之二, 从大三结束后的夏天开始.)
    2. A listing of AXP hours already completed (if any), in each of the six AXP categories.
    3. 参加六个ARE考试的大致日期. (The 利记sbo IPAL schedule assumes one exam will be taken in each of the final six semesters, 从研究生一年级的春季学期开始.)


附上一份当前的履历, 显示学生目前的雇主(IPAL), 入职日期, 以及为雇主执行的职责/任务.


Comply with all requirements of the Portfolio Guidelines for Application to the iPAL Program. 网站作品集是不允许的.


Provide three References, with contact information for each (including an email contact). 推荐人不应包括父母或监护人, and at least one Reference must be other than an 利记sbo faculty member.


请提供利记sbo国际项目办公室利记sbo你在CPT / OPT项目下工作能力的初步文件.


请联系CoAD的iPAL协调员 Eric Ward at eward@desamelle.com .

利记sbo Links

Quick Tips (OCS):

Cover Letter

Resume Checklist





“Resume assistance is offered during individual appointments in the Office of Career Services, walk-in Friday first-come first-served resume critiques from 10am-11:30am, and during various workshops scheduled throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. 为即将到来的研讨会和事件检查公告板和握手新闻feed页的位置和时间.”

“The Office of Career Services offers a variety of services to assist in career exploration and success. Some of our tangible and non-tangible services consist of job search assistance, 对简历和求职信的评论, 感谢信作文, interview guidance, 职业和专业发展等等.”


AIAS Facebook page

AIAS uses the Facebook link to post when any workshop events such as portfolio workshops will occur. Because they are not planned too far ahead of time one would need to be on the lookout. 有时,工作室周围也会有传单. There is also a calendar hung on the first level of the architecture building, near the stairs adjacent to the old architecture building where AIAS events are posted.




Critical Practice

